When was the last time you had an adventure? I understand that many of us were restricted with what we could do during the Covid pandemic. However, the world has slowly re-opened and we are no longer living under restrictions. We’re now able to resume our former lives and get out there and have some…
Lately I’ve been feeling unmotivated and guilty for not leading what I feel is a “meaningful” life. These feelings of despondency, boredom with my life and disinterest in things that I normally enjoy doing, has begun to worry me. I even started to think that I was a little depressed. This new year/new decade, I…
For the past six months or so I’ve been contemplating retiring from my part-time job as a hotel social media and communications assistant. Everyone said that I had the dream job. I worked from home with flexible hours, my work was interesting and varied and I worked with a great bunch of women. But something…
What adventures have you had in your lifetime? My kids often say to me “Mum why don’t you get off the sofa and do something”? My reply to this criticism is “well, I have done a lot during my lifetime and now I’m resting”! So just to prove my kids wrong I am making…
As you all know I love a good quote! I thought I would start off the week by putting together a selection of my favourite 25 inspirational quotes for the over 50’s. I love number 8, as I believe that there is beauty in age which is not always on the surface. I truly believe…