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50 Adventures in 50 Years

  • February 19, 2014
  • By 50 Shades


What adventures have you had in your lifetime? My kids often say to me “Mum why don’t you get off the sofa and do something”? My reply to this criticism is “well, I have done a lot during my lifetime and now I’m resting”!

So just to prove my kids wrong I am making a list of the adventures and experiences that I have witnessed as a 50 something year old.

Thus far, I have:

  1.   Gone trial bike riding on a motorbike
  2.   Won a Motocross race
  3.   Learnt to fly an airplane
  4.   Jumped out of a plane (with a parachute)
  5.   Mountain biked downhill for 40Km


6.   Swam with an elephant in a creek

7.   Skinny dipped in the sea in the moonlight

8.   Stayed up all night and watched the sunrise

9.   Swung off a rope into a waterhole

10. Snorkelled in an extinct volcano under the sea

Picture 027

11.  Swam with the green sea turtles

12.  Got first place in a twisting competition

13.  Trekked through a jungle on an elephant

14.  Cuddled a baby koala

15.  Surfed at Waikiki Beach in Hawaii

Picture 002

16.  Seen two brown bears in the wild in Canada

17.  Patted a kangaroo

18.  Skied down a black run at a ski resort

19.  Water skied in a lake

20.  Seen a show on Broadway in New York


21.  Walked up the stairs to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris

22.  Taken in the views from the State Empire Building in New York

23.  Sang in a band on TV

24.  Ridden a jet ski

25.  Caught a train right up the centre of Australia



26.  White water rafted down the river rapids

27.  Paddled a kayak in the sea

28.  Entered a long cave that was as black as coal

29.  Crawled through the Cu Chi Tunnels in Vietnam

30.  Stood at the edge of the Cliffs of Mohr in Ireland


31.  Sailed around the Whitsunday Islands on a yacht

32.  Gambled at a casino

33.  Bet on a horse race and won

34.  Ridden a horse

35.  Nursed a baby crocodile

 Baby Croc

36.  Competed in a 10Km run

37.  Climbed a mountain

38.  Gone to night school to learn German

39.  Jet boated in Queenstown, New Zealand

40.  Swam under a waterfall


41.  Rode on a roller coaster

42.  Slid down a big steep water slide

43.  Watched a NRL Rugby League grand final live

44.  Watched the Indy cars race live

45.  Toured London on a big red double-decker bus


46.  Watched a world championship ice hockey game live

47.  Watched the Australian Open Tennis Championships live

48.  Ridden a bicycle across the Goldengate Bridge in San Francisco

49.  Seen the amazing views from the Skyrail at Kuranda, Cairns

50.  Bought a bargain at the Grand Bazaar in Istanbul

The Grand Bazaar

The Grand Bazaar

So next time my kids tell me I don’t get enough adventure in my life I am going to show them this list! What adventures have you embarked on during your lifetime? I would love to hear them.

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By 50 Shades, February 19, 2014 Kathy was a 50 something year old when she started up this blog 6 years ago, but has since turned over another decade and is now in her early 60s. She is married with two adult children and lives on the Tweed Coast of New South Wales, Australia. Kathy enjoys living life to the fullest and loves to keep fit and active by maintaining a healthy diet and exercising regularly. Some of her interests include reading, photography, travelling, cooking and blogging! Kathy works part-time as a freelance writer but her real passion is travelling and photographing brilliant destinations both within Australia and overseas and writing about it.
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50 Shades

Kathy was a 50 something year old when she started up this blog 6 years ago, but has since turned over another decade and is now in her early 60s. She is married with two adult children and lives on the Tweed Coast of New South Wales, Australia. Kathy enjoys living life to the fullest and loves to keep fit and active by maintaining a healthy diet and exercising regularly. Some of her interests include reading, photography, travelling, cooking and blogging! Kathy works part-time as a freelance writer but her real passion is travelling and photographing brilliant destinations both within Australia and overseas and writing about it.

Ghana Gold
  • Janet aka Middle Aged Mama
    February 19, 2014

    You’ve packed a lot into 50 years – some of these are VERY adventurous! I’ve done maybe 5 of the things on this list … I’ve got 3 years to pack some more in!

  • Pinky Poinker
    February 19, 2014

    Well I counted 19 things I too have experienced with not too much to add to your extensive list :) I kissed the Blarney Stone! That’s right!

  • Kathy
    February 19, 2014

    Yeah I have! I thought I would have no hope of making a list of 50 adventures, but they just kept coming! Maybe I am a bit of a thrillseeker deep down. Lol!

  • Kathy
    February 19, 2014

    Oh I am disappointed – I never got to kiss the Blarney Stone! I am adding that to my bucket list along with another 50 adventures. Do you think I’ll fit them all in?

  • Jenny Meehan
    February 22, 2014

    Love the post Kathy. I am off to create my 47 adventures list.

    • Kathy
      February 22, 2014

      Good for your Jenny! I’m about to start a bucket list for another 50 adventures. Hope I still have enough time!

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