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" />For the past six months or so I’ve been contemplating retiring from my part-time job as a hotel social media and communications assistant. Everyone said that I had the dream job. I worked from home with flexible hours, my work was interesting and varied and I worked with a great bunch of women. But something suddenly changed inside me and I started to think about all the other things I could be doing rather than working. But don’t worry I have a plan and this brought me to creating my own meme – I plan to live, not retire!
Although a couple of my friends suggested I may be bored if I don’t work, many others said “good for you”. It has been 44 years of almost continuous work for me and I guess you could say that I’m tired. As I get older I find it harder to keep up with ever changing technology and innovations that are required to keep across everything. I no longer tolerate people very well – particularly when some of them are idiots! So thoughts starting entering my head, like “why am I doing this?” and “do I really need to work?”
This past year has been huge for me. I’ve sold a house, moved and rented for six months and had a new house built in a new town, then moved into this new house. I’ve got my very first grandchild being born in approximately four weeks time. I’ve had ongoing issues with bursitis and tendonitis in my hip/buttock area. I’ve realised that I need to put me and my health first for a change, instead of constantly worrying about getting my work completed.
The word “retirement” immediately brings out assumptions. People think you’re retiring due to old age, poor health, to access the old age pension or just to kick back and do nothing at all! However this could not be more inaccurate in my case. I have a plan to live, not retire!
These are some of things I’m planning to do:
Part-time franchises. If there is a particular industry you have a passion for that you would like to run as a hobby business, consider purchasing a part-time franchise. These businesses will allow you to earn a sustainable income working in your preferred niche but will also offer you fantastic flexibility to enjoy your retirement. If you are considering purchasing a part-time franchise as a side hustle, check out the various part-time franchise opportunities at Franchise UK, or if you would prefer to buy a franchise using a trusted consultant, give the experts at Infinity Business Growth Network a ring to discuss the next stages.
I’ve witnessed many retired people not living a meaningful life. Many become sedentary, withdrawn from social activities and think they’ll have plenty to do poking around at home. Others spend all their time juggling investments, home loan options and the like. They become frightened to spend any money as they think their savings or super will run out and basically become old before their time. I also see many that turn into on-call babysitters for grandchildren or full time carers for their elderly parents.
I understand that it’s a personal choice but it makes me wonder why more retirees aren’t kicking their heels up. After the many personal sacrifices they have made working for a living and raising their children you would think that they’d embrace time for themselves? Time for travel, seeking out new hobbies or interests, making their health a big priority and spending the kid’s inheritance!
Mental health is also extremely important once we retire. If you’re feeling down and despondent I recommend that you seek counselling. BetterHelp.com offers professional online counselling that is accessible, affordable, convenient – so anyone who is struggling with life’s challenges can get help, anytime, anywhere.
I believe that we deserve to indulge ourselves once we retire. Life is far too short to play the waiting game and use excuses not to live our best lives. It’s time to free yourself up from family comittments, shake off debt and mortgages, downsize your home or move to your dream location and pursue those things that you’ve always dreamt of.
Many retirees purchase a caravan or camperhome and embark on a trip around Australia. Others embrace the cruising life and set off on holidays aboard big cruise ships. Then there are some very adventurous types who plan their own travel itineraries and set off to see the world. Whatever type you are, there is nothing more rewarding than travel in retirement.
My travel plans in retirement include:
I think this quote sums it all up:
“Retirement is not the end of the road. It is the beginning of the open highway.”
What are your plans for retirement?
For more reading on healthy ageing read this article Life habits for different decades in your life
Kathy was a 50 something year old when she started up this blog 6 years ago, but has since turned over another decade and is now in her early 60s. She is married with two adult children and lives on the Tweed Coast of New South Wales, Australia. Kathy enjoys living life to the fullest and loves to keep fit and active by maintaining a healthy diet and exercising regularly. Some of her interests include reading, photography, travelling, cooking and blogging! Kathy works part-time as a freelance writer but her real passion is travelling and photographing brilliant destinations both within Australia and overseas and writing about it.
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Jan Wild
June 5, 2019Kathy I don’t have to tell you that I totally commend your attitude, it sounds a lot like mine. Retirement can, and shoul, be the best time of your life, and it sounds to me like you have a great plan to ensure exactly that. What an exciting time you have ahead of you.
June 5, 2019Thank you Jan. I feel it was necessary to formulate some type of plan prior to retiring. I’m going to embrace my retirement fully and hopefully do some of the things I’ve never had time to do. Exciting times are definitely ahead!
Sue from Sizzling Towards 60 & Beyond
June 5, 2019Fabulous Kathy and you are looking so relaxed and happy. There are many ways we can ‘retire’ and I love your meme. I’ve always said we can retire from work but not from life which is similar to your way of thinking. Exciting times ahead, for sure. xx
June 5, 2019I’m feeling fantastic and as if a weight has been lifted from my shoulders. I’m so happy to have made this decision as I think it will benefit me both physically and mentally. I’ve started retirement in an extremely positive way.
Sandy P
June 5, 2019We don’t really plan to retire at all but certainly plan on pulling back and enjoying many of the things you’ve mentioned, especially travel.
Enjoy the next chapter of your life. You’ve earnt it!
June 5, 2019I have a few more years on you Sandy so I wouldn’t think you’d want to retire just yet. It’s funny because 12 months ago I was telling everyone I would work for as long as possible. However since moving I lost my interest in my job and just wanted to be free of it. I’m sure I’ve made the right decision.
June 5, 2019I’m only 51 but if I could afford to retire I seriously would. I feel like I’m kinda ‘done’ with life and alternate between, seeing life stretching out endlessly with the same day to day stresses I have now; or running out of and missing out on so much!
June 5, 2019The financial side of retirement is always a huge consideration. My husband and I both thought that earning a part-time income would supplement our pension from our Super Fund. However we both now feel that we’ll have enough Super to get us through to a ripe old age. I believe that life is really what you make of it and yes having money does help for sure. I will be happy but poor in my retirement!
June 5, 2019Good on you! It’s a blast and you will absolutely not be bored – there will just be more time for the things you love. We’re insanely busy as retirees yet more relaxed as well and there’s so much more time for travel. Just back from Africa and already planning next trip. Congratulations
June 5, 2019Thank you Christine. I love hearing that people are busy as ever as retirees and putting themselves first for a change. I think this was the basis for my retirement. I was always putting everyone else’s needs before mine. Now I’ll be utilising all my spare time mainly for me! I’m so happy.
Annette Jones
June 6, 2019Good for you Kathy! I’m sure in a few months (or possibly even now) you’ll be wondering how you had the time to work! Portugal, Asia and of course our great backyard are just some of the places we are wanting to explore once we can free ourselves from business commitments so we may see you and Tom on the road! Enjoy your first Grandie, I’m 18 months in with my first one and loving it with Grandie #2 due in November.
June 6, 2019Yes I’m not only one week into retirement and I’m already flat out! More travel and of course my first grandchild will be something to look forward to. They say that grandchildren do change your life. I’m looking forward to it immensely.
Life Images by Jill
June 6, 2019I took early retirement about 4 years ago now when I was “offered” redundancy, and haven’t looked back once. My husband followed 6 months later. I love the retirement life, as it has given me the space to explore artistic pursuits that I wasn’t able to when I was working, and to travel a little more – though not as often as we would wish due to family commitments. But life is good. It sounds like you have a firm plan for retirement, so go for it and enjoy! Life is too short to keep working if you are financially able not to.
June 6, 2019Yes I agree totally. If you’re financially secure and have some sort of hobby or interest to pursue then why not take early retirement. I think it will do my health and stress levels a world of good. Jill you are the perfect role model when it comes to retirement!
Min @ Write of the Middle
June 6, 2019Fabulous decision Kathy and you have the right attitude towards retirement too. I love the title of this post. You’re looking happy and relaxed. So many adventures ahead of you. BTW – I no longer tolerate idiots well either! lol
June 6, 2019It’s something I’ve been contemplating for a while, but wasn’t sure about the timing. Having a retirement plan helped me to reach the decision. I am very happy and relaxed living in Northern NSW. It’s been blissful and like you say I have many new adventures ahead of me.
June 7, 2019Sounds wonderful Kathy! Ever since my dad and stepmum retired, I reckon they’re busier than ever. I think it’s one of those things – you just “know” when it’s right, and this is the right time for you x
June 9, 2019Yes it has been a huge relief. I was far too busy to work! Now I will have more time to pursue my interests and also to travel. I’m really looking forward to an easy life.