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Unravelling in Our Sixties

  • November 20, 2021
  • By 50 Shades
Unravelling in Our Sixties

Women of my age, in their sixties, often say to me that they feel a lot freer than when they were younger. I like to think of it as unravelling in our sixties and letting go of what we once thought we had to be.

Let’s face it, there was a time where we were overly busy homemakers, wives, mothers, and employees trying to juggle all of this at once. I remember coping with all of this, plus worrying constantly about how I looked, how good a mother I was, and what people thought of me. It used to do my head in!

We were all once busy mums doing a juggling act on a daily basis

Letting Go of Other Peoples Expectations in Our Sixties

Letting go of other peoples expectations is where the unfurling started for me. As a former people pleaser I no longer particularly care what people think of me and I run my own race. The opinion of others doesn’t impact my life like it used to. In fact, I feel that if you don’t like me, then that’s your loss!

The point is that in your sixties you no longer really have to compete with young attractive women. We are post-menopausal women with grey hair, expanding waistlines, wrinkly skin, waning libidos, and we’re not out there trying to entrap a man. We’re mostly content with our other halves, or equally, content being happily single. We’ve slipped into a comfortable existence.

It’s like the pressure to be “everything” to “everybody” has lifted and we now have time to get understand ourselves better. We learn to love ourselves again – warts, skin tags, cellulite, sun spots and all! We learn that being healthy and happy in our golden years is more important than how we appear. We learn that the more important things in life are our families and our long term friendships.

How To Be Your Own Person and Unravel in Our Sixties

Take back control of your life, try new things and get out there and do the things you were never able to do. It’s your time to shine. It doesn’t matter if your husband or partner doesn’t want to try new things with you. Just do it alone or take a friend along. There are plenty of activities that you can do unaccompanied and there are various groups and travel companies that specialise in solo travel for women.

If you’ve found yourself suddenly single maybe it is time to try new beginnings. Give online dating a try or a dating coach such as EvanMarcKatz.com. A dating coach will help you discover the secrets to finding lasting love with an attractive, commitment-oriented man who takes care of you and always makes you feel safe, heard, and understood.

Since I turned sixty I’ve slowly started to unravel and not feel guilty about putting myself first. I’m learning to say no to things that no longer serve my needs. I’ve taken up several new interests and I don’t feel guilty about indulging myself from time to time.

During the last two years, I’ve travelled to Bali to attend a women’s only health and wellbeing retreat with like-minded soul sisters. I’ve taken up lawn bowls, found a yoga class with ladies of my own age, decided to do volunteer work and commenced watercolour painting.

Unravelling In Our Sixties
Womens Tour Group in Bali

I enjoy getting my hair done and experimenting with new styles and colours. I take myself off to get a massage when I’m feeling a little stiff and sore. I have also recently started freelance travel writing again in my spare time. All these interests keep me busy and make me feel good about myself.

I feel that sometimes women of my age allow their husbands or partners to dictate their lives and how much money they spend. I say stuff that! You shouldn’t be held back or controlled by anyone. If you want to try something new or spend some money on yourself once in a while, then go out there and do it without feeling guilty.

Taking Care of Your Health in Our Sixties

As we get older taking care of our health is paramount for enjoying a long and happy life. If we don’t have a good quality of life then there is no point in having a quantity of life. For me, this means taking care of myself on both a physical and mental level.

Unravelling in our sixties
Yoga is particularly good for older women

My tips for living a healthy life are:

  • Make sure you have regular medical checkups. Ensure you have your breast exams, bowel screens, skin cancer checkups, dental checkups, eye tests, hearing tests, PAP smears and a thorough medical examination from your medical practitioner every 12 months. For men, this should also include a prostate cancer blood test.
  • Try to maintain a healthy weight. I know how hard it is to stop the kilos piling on after menopause. Due to diminishing metabolisms, we should be eating less and reducing meal portions.
  • Eat healthy foods. Now is NOT the time to start eating sweets, fried foods, junk food, salty snacks or drinking too much alcohol. Our bodies take more time for cellular repair and our bones are becoming more brittle so we should be eating calcium-rich foods and foods that are high in vitamins and minerals.
  • Cut down on sugar and alcohol. Give up smoking. These are the three baddies!!!
  • Exercise regularly. There are plenty of gentle exercises that will keep our bodies supple and flexible. Walking, swimming, yoga, pilates, easy weight training, playing tennis, golf or lawn bowls are all very good exercises for our age group.
  • Get plenty of social interaction by joining groups or clubs with similar interests. Loneliness and isolation can be damaging for our mental wellbeing as we get older.
  • Keep in contact with family and friends. Don’t think that you have little to converse about. It is still important to reach out to your loved ones.
  • Look after your brain health. Read, do puzzles, play cards, take up hobbies, write, paint, learn a new language or take a short course. All these things help keep your brain active.
  • Take holidays and short breaks away. Even though we are mostly retired we still need a break from the routine.

Travel and Beyond in Our Sixties

Amid these Covid-19 pandemic times, it has made us all even more aware that life is too short and we need to make the most of every day. For a lot of us, it feels like we have lost a good part of two years of our lives. So now it is even more important to start ticking off some bucket list items.

As the international borders are slowly re-opening, now is the time to start planning some overseas trips. I realise that there are those amongst us that are still fearful about travelling overseas. Covid-19 cases are still present in most countries in the world. However, I personally feel that if we keep waiting for the world be safe then we will never go. I’m willing to take the chance.

Unravelling in our sixties
Travel is back on the agenda

If you’re worried about international travel start with taking shorter trips to countries like New Zealand, Indonesia, Japan, Singapore and Fiji. Or alternatively, start exploring Australia. I know many people who have not travelled to Western Australia, Northern Territory or Tasmania. It is time to dust off the passport and pack your bags before you get too much older!

If you keep putting off travel, particularly overseas travel, it may be too late. As we get older mobility may become an issue. Taking long haul flights, walking around cities and navigating our way around proves more difficult. So don’t wait until it’s too late.

Remember to make the rest of your life the best of your life!

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By 50 Shades, November 20, 2021 Kathy was a 50 something year old when she started up this blog 6 years ago, but has since turned over another decade and is now in her early 60s. She is married with two adult children and lives on the Tweed Coast of New South Wales, Australia. Kathy enjoys living life to the fullest and loves to keep fit and active by maintaining a healthy diet and exercising regularly. Some of her interests include reading, photography, travelling, cooking and blogging! Kathy works part-time as a freelance writer but her real passion is travelling and photographing brilliant destinations both within Australia and overseas and writing about it.

50 Shades

Kathy was a 50 something year old when she started up this blog 6 years ago, but has since turned over another decade and is now in her early 60s. She is married with two adult children and lives on the Tweed Coast of New South Wales, Australia. Kathy enjoys living life to the fullest and loves to keep fit and active by maintaining a healthy diet and exercising regularly. Some of her interests include reading, photography, travelling, cooking and blogging! Kathy works part-time as a freelance writer but her real passion is travelling and photographing brilliant destinations both within Australia and overseas and writing about it.

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