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The Gold Coast Brekkie Set

  • April 13, 2017
  • By 50 Shades
The Gold Coast Brekkie Set

When I was younger it was all about “doing lunch” with girlfriends or your partner. Let’s face it the Gold Coast is the perfect location for a long lunch, particularly if it comes with stunning views over the beach and an ice cold glass of Sav Blanc. However recently I’m noticing that doing lunch is rapidly being surpassed with doing brekkie (breakfast). Increasing in numbers by the week are the Gold Coast Brekkie Set spending Saturdays and Sundays trawling the cafes and coffee shops on the Gold Coast for a delicious first meal of the day.

How is it that this new phenomenon is so popular? It wasn’t long ago that breakfast was a burnt piece of toast with Vegemite, a bowl of Corn Flakes with milk or maybe some fried bacon and eggs on the weekend. Nowadays cooks and chefs in cafes are cooking up brekkies with heaps of flair and finesse. Plus most of these meals are extremely healthy without a fried egg or piece of fatty bacon in sight!

The Gold Coast Brekkie Set

A winter warming foamy cappuccino at Street Corner Espresso Cafe

Why is Brekkie so popular?

The other great thing about doing brekkie is that it is generally cheaper than lunch. Most breakfast meals are below $20 so it’s a better option for those trying to watch their budgets. It is even possible to grab brekkie on the go with super smoothies, acai bowls and breakfast parfaits for those in a rush.

The Gold Coast Brekkie Set

Burleigh Social – another popular brekkie spot

You will notice young people with their “just got out of bed look” with tousled hair, the fitness fanatics that have already been on their 5K jog, the Lycra set who have completed their early morning cycle rides and older folk like myself who have just been on a leisurely stroll. They all jostle in the order queue for a shot of caffeine, a tasty brekkie and a nice social chat before returning home to get on with their days.

The Gold Coast Brekkie Set

A group of friends enjoying a Sunday Brekkie at Paddock Bakery

Brekkie Set Venues

Cafes have been sprouting up like weeds all over my neighbourhood, so I have a wide array to choose from. Depending on your personal taste there are the alfresco types with seating outside with umbrellas for the hot Queensland sun; dingy little cafes with shabby chic decor and heaps of ambience; laneway or arcade cafes making use of these narrow spaces; sleek modern cafes in industrial spaces; or cafes in cute little cottages with garden settings.

The Gold Coast Brekkie Set

An Acai & Fruit Bowl – a very popular and healthy breakfast choice

Brekkie Set Food

As for the food, wrap your tastebuds around some of these suggestions:

  • Paddock Bakery’s Smoked Salmon Benedict Bagel made on their own boiled and wood-fire cooked toasted poppy seed bagel.
  • For the fit and fabulous, Burleigh Social’s healthy matcha green smoothie bowl from their Vital Bar.
  • Have your brekkie and caffeine fix in one at Commune Cafe with a Jumpin’ Jimmy, which is basically a banana smoothie with a shot of espresso in it.

A tasty and healthy breakfast parfait with fresh blueberries

  • Chomp into a BSKT Cafe Brekky Salad with roasted sweet potato, baby beets, broccolini, pepitas & grilled halloumi, topped with poached egg and maple reduction.
  • Social Brew Cafe serves up some super healthy fare with ready to go chia puddings with plum nectar and coconut yoghurt.
  • The pawfectly pooch-friendly Street Corner Espresso where there is special doggie ice cream on the menu. For the humans try their yummy dukkah eggs, soft poached rolled in panko crumbs served with avocado, rocket & grilled tomato.
The Gold Coast Brekkie Set

My own homemade brekkie – sour dough toast, avocado, poached eggs and feta cheese.

This all brings new meaning to breakfast being the most important meal of the day. I must confess brekkie is now my favourite meal of the day and is it any wonder with the wide selection of foods available to eat. But not only this, it is a wonderful social way to start off the day with rest of the brekkie set.

Do you have a Brekkie Set in your town or city?

This post is part of the Lovin’ Life Linky with a Lovin’ Life Team of the “ageing positively” kind who are as keen as I am to promote the Lovin’ Life mindset. The Lovin’ Life Team includes:

Johanna from Lifestyle Fifty
Min from Write of the Middle.
Leanne from Deep Fried Fruit
Jo from And Anyways
and of course me, Kathy from 50 Shades of Age

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By 50 Shades, April 13, 2017 Kathy was a 50 something year old when she started up this blog 6 years ago, but has since turned over another decade and is now in her early 60s. She is married with two adult children and lives on the Tweed Coast of New South Wales, Australia. Kathy enjoys living life to the fullest and loves to keep fit and active by maintaining a healthy diet and exercising regularly. Some of her interests include reading, photography, travelling, cooking and blogging! Kathy works part-time as a freelance writer but her real passion is travelling and photographing brilliant destinations both within Australia and overseas and writing about it.
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50 Shades

Kathy was a 50 something year old when she started up this blog 6 years ago, but has since turned over another decade and is now in her early 60s. She is married with two adult children and lives on the Tweed Coast of New South Wales, Australia. Kathy enjoys living life to the fullest and loves to keep fit and active by maintaining a healthy diet and exercising regularly. Some of her interests include reading, photography, travelling, cooking and blogging! Kathy works part-time as a freelance writer but her real passion is travelling and photographing brilliant destinations both within Australia and overseas and writing about it.

  • jodie
    April 13, 2017

    Wow..Kathy!! All of this looks fabulous!!
    I am definitely a morning person, so breakfast (and healthy at that) is right up my alley!

    • Kathy
      April 13, 2017

      I believe a lot more people are jumping onboard the Brekkie Set these days. I really like trying different brekkie food and healthy with it. :) #TeamLovinLife

  • Sue from Sizzling Towards 60 & Beyond
    April 13, 2017

    I love having breakfasts Kathy so I’m definitely part of the Brekky Set! Some Saturdays after our run, the Saturday Sisters have a coffee and brekky to refuel. I love that you can have a really delicious meal (we are really spoilt for choice) and then still have the rest of the day free. Loved all your photos as well.

    • Kathy
      April 13, 2017

      I just knew you would be a morning person Sue! You would definitely need to refuel after you morning runs. Mornings really are the best part of the day and I look forward to eating a nutritious brekkie. :) #TeamLovinLife

  • Pinky Poinker
    April 13, 2017

    Breakfast is far cheaper than lunch and it really sets you up for the rest of the day. Those poached eggs and avo look scrumptious!

    • Kathy
      April 13, 2017

      Mmm I don’t mind my poached eggs and avo smash on sour dough. Even if I do say so myself! I love eating out for any meal actually. It’s better than cooking! :) #TeamLovinLife

  • Jo tracey
    April 13, 2017

    I’m with you – I love brekky out. Especially after a walk.I’m looking forward to find lots of new places on the sunny coast.

    • Kathy
      April 13, 2017

      There’s one place my daughter took me to that I can personally recommend (and it is one of her favourites), and that is Little Boat at Marcoola. They have a really different breakfast menu, all extremely healthy. Great location too. :)

  • Min@WriteoftheMiddle
    April 13, 2017

    I love going out for brekkie and yes often meet up with girlfriends for brekkie or brunch! Eggs Benedict is a favourite as is anything with smashed avocado and I do love an acai bowl or parfait at times too – love berries! I think it’s become popular because our lives are so busy that it’s lovely to socialise early morning and then have the rest of the day free to get all the things done we need to. Lunch cuts into the day more. Also, brekkie food is yummy and as you say – cheaper than lunch! #TeamLovinLife

    • Kathy
      April 14, 2017

      I think you have a point here Min. People tend to do Brekkie rather than Lunch because of their busy lives. For me it is just a lovely way to start the day.:)

  • Leanne
    April 14, 2017

    I’m not a brekkie kind of gal – too early in the morning for me I’m afraid – I think I’d be more a bruncher or afternoon tea taker. I do love all the delicious looking meals they serve for breakfast now days though.

    • Kathy
      April 14, 2017

      Brekkie can sometimes extend to Brunch for me. It depends what I do beforehand. I’m an early riser so normally get a lot done in the early hours then eat. There is a lot of great food choices for Brekkie these days. :) #TeamLovinLife

  • Rhonda Albom
    April 14, 2017

    Yum, yum, yum, I love eating brekkie out. While I am not of the healthy set the rest of the day, i do like to start my day with the fruit, yogurt and muesli mix, Although your homemade treat looked good too. Oh, and outdoors for me. I eat my brekkie outdoors at home too, when it’s not raining or freezing.

    • Kathy
      April 14, 2017

      I love a good healthy brekkie too and mostly I have muesli, yoghurt and fruit like you. There are so many great options to eat out near where I live on the Gold Coast. We are certainly spoilt for choice. :) #TeamLovinLife

  • Lyndall @ SeizeTheDayProject
    April 14, 2017

    I’m definitely a morning person and I do love going out for breakfast. In fact, I’m meeting a friend for brekkie tomorrow. I try to make wise food choices, but can sometimes be tempted off track too! :) #TeamLovinLife

    • Kathy
      April 14, 2017

      Yes we do know how much of a morning person you are Lyndall with your magnificent sunrise shots! Not a weekend goes by that I don’t do brekkie. I really like the healthy options available. :)

  • Leanne @ Deep Fried Fruit
    April 15, 2017

    Whenever I go to the Gold Coast I always do brunch/breaky. It’s my absolute favourite outing, closely followed by lunch. I really don’t love going out for dinner … I just don’t like the dark! I’d much prefer to sit, eat and marvel at the break of a new day. Funnily enough I’m not part of a breaky set in Canberraville. It’s generally reserved for when I’m travelling.

    • Kathy
      April 15, 2017

      That’s strange because I would have thought Canberra would be full of trendy little cafes serving up breakfast. It is nice to sit outside as the sun is starting to warm up the morning and drink a frothy cappuccino and eat a healthy brekkie. It is one of my favourite things to do on weekends and yes also when I’m on holidays. :)

  • Agness of eTramping
    April 16, 2017

    This seems like an amazing place, Kathy! I would love to have coffee there!

    • Kathy
      April 16, 2017

      You would love my backyard on the Gold Coast. It is bursting with trendy cafes and coffee shops. :)

  • Sydney Shop Girl
    April 16, 2017

    I’m a brekkie convert too, Kathy! Really enjoyed reading along today.

    SSG xxx

    • Kathy
      April 16, 2017

      We are finally starting to realise how important a good hearty breakfast is for us I think. :) #TeamLovinLife

  • budget jan
    April 16, 2017

    We arrived at Caf this morning for a coffee after breakfast and caught the end of the Brekkie Crowd. There was a huge line up but we got a seat and didn’t have long to wait. The Lycra Set arrived after us. We don’t often do breakfast out but do when our kids are visiting. Our son is always wanting a big Breakfast because he does crossfit and needs loads of calories and out daughter is Vegan so sometimes needs to eat out at Breakfast when she doesn’t have anything at home.

    • Kathy
      April 16, 2017

      We had brekkie out this morning at Burleigh Heads and surprisingly it wasn’t that crowded. The beach, the parks and the footpaths were though! I love doing brekkie. :) #TeamLovinLife

  • Janet
    April 18, 2017

    LOL I’m not a fan of doing brekkie out because it cuts into my sleeping time!

    • Kathy
      April 18, 2017

      You’re missing out on the best part of the day! Plus all the yummy brekkie food! I must be a morning person. :) #TeamLovinLife

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