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Australian Beaches: Southern NSW

  • March 24, 2015
  • By 50 Shades
Australian Beaches: Southern NSW

Heading south from Sydney on the South Coast of New South Wales, is the area called the South Coast where the beaches are less inhabited and more dramatic.

The region includes Wollongong, Kiama, the Shoalhaven towns of Jervis Bay, Nowra, Mollymook and Ulladulla, while Eurobodalla towns include Batemans Bay, Moruya and Mogo. The southernmost towns of Bega, Merimbula, Pambula and Tathra are on the Sapphire Coast.

Along the coastline you can take in stunning scenery and coastal views along the 22 km Kiama Coast Walk, or the 31 km Light to Light Walk on the Sapphire Coast. There are also some great nature-based camping spots along the coast at Dalmeny, Moruya Heads and Murramanang.


Kendalls Beach, Kiama

Kendalls Beach, Kiama

Cathedral Beach, Kiama

Cathedral Beach, Kiama

Gerringong Beach

Gerringong Beach

Jervis Bay

Huskisson, Jervis Bay

Huskisson, Jervis Bay

Hyams Beach, Jervis Bay

Hyams Beach, Jervis Bay

Mollymook & Ulladulla

Mollymook Beach

Mollymook Beach

Racecourse Beach, Ulladulla

Racecourse Beach, Ulladulla

Batemans Bay

McKenzies Beach, Batemans Bay

McKenzies Beach, Batemans Bay

Mossy Point, Batemans Bay

Mossy Point, Batemans Bay

Broulee Beach, Batemans Bay

Broulee Beach, Batemans Bay

Tuross Head & Moruya

Tuross Head Beach

Tuross Head Beach

Moruya Head

Moruya Head

Dalmeny & Narooma

Dalmeny Beach

Dalmeny Beach

Dalmeny Beach

Dalmeny Beach

Duesbury Beach, Narooma

Duesbury Beach, Narooma

Merrimbula & Eden

Bar Beach, Merrimbula

Bar Beach, Merrimbula

Merrimbula Beach

Merrimbula Beach

Eden Beach

Eden Beach

I had heard a lot about the beauty of the South Coast but was not prepared for such stunning scenery and enchanting coastal villages. It was yet another example of why Australia is renowned for having some of the best beaches in the world!

For more Australian Beaches see Australian Beaches:Northern NSW or Australian Beaches:Queensland or Australian Beaches:North West Australia



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By 50 Shades, March 24, 2015 Kathy was a 50 something year old when she started up this blog 6 years ago, but has since turned over another decade and is now in her early 60s. She is married with two adult children and lives on the Tweed Coast of New South Wales, Australia. Kathy enjoys living life to the fullest and loves to keep fit and active by maintaining a healthy diet and exercising regularly. Some of her interests include reading, photography, travelling, cooking and blogging! Kathy works part-time as a freelance writer but her real passion is travelling and photographing brilliant destinations both within Australia and overseas and writing about it.
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50 Shades

Kathy was a 50 something year old when she started up this blog 6 years ago, but has since turned over another decade and is now in her early 60s. She is married with two adult children and lives on the Tweed Coast of New South Wales, Australia. Kathy enjoys living life to the fullest and loves to keep fit and active by maintaining a healthy diet and exercising regularly. Some of her interests include reading, photography, travelling, cooking and blogging! Kathy works part-time as a freelance writer but her real passion is travelling and photographing brilliant destinations both within Australia and overseas and writing about it.

Ghana Gold
  • Johanna
    March 24, 2015

    Great photos and a big temptation to get on the road. Love the idea of stunning beaches, cliffs, and pretty villages.

    • Kathy
      March 24, 2015

      It all brings back very pleasant memories of our time travelling around the coastline of Australia. It does give me itchy feet again too! :)

  • jennyandstephenmilan
    March 24, 2015

    Lovely photos Kathy. there are a couple you’ve shown that I’ve not visited. I will have to rectify that oversight.

    • Kathy
      March 24, 2015

      The South Coast of NSW is a lovely spot. I had no idea it had such beauty and I loved the greenery and rolling hills around Kiama.

  • Life Images by Jill
    March 24, 2015

    do you know I had never considered that NSW had a south coast – I thought that belonged to Victoria. But obviously they do! My feet are getting itchy just looking at your pics Kathy. I’m longing to go on the road again.

    • Kathy
      March 24, 2015

      I think it is a best kept secret Jill. It is popular with Sydney and Canberra tourists but I had heard little about it until I saw it with my own eyes. It was stunning!

  • Michelle Weaver (@pinkypoinker)
    March 24, 2015

    The book I’m currently writing is based in a fictitious town between Narooma and Eden so this pictorial post was very inspiring and helpul Kathy!

    • Kathy
      March 24, 2015

      Oh really? I guess I would know that if I had the time to read your drafts! I’m very time poor at the moment and have barely had time to do any writing (or reading). I am going to make time – I promise. :)

  • Red Nomad OZ
    March 27, 2015

    I’ve only ever visited this area once – a VERY long time ago! Pilchard has it on his list of places to go for the birding – but I’ll stick to these awesome beaches!

    • Kathy
      March 27, 2015

      Oh yes, the South Coast of NSW is well worth a visit. There are so many beautiful spots along the coastline and the beaches, as you see, are relatively untouched and pristine.

  • Janelle. C
    April 3, 2015

    Hi Kathy, I have lived in the Mollymook area for 12 years & have never taken the beauty of the beaches for granted. Even on a grey autumn day like today.

    • Kathy
      April 4, 2015

      Ulladulla and Mollymook – such strange names! It is a beautiful area however and I enjoyed visiting your lovely coastline. Sometimes a grey sky makes the sea look even bluer, so I don’t mind photographing them under these conditions. Thank you for dropping by my blog :)

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