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Cable Beach Dreaming

  • March 2, 2017
  • By 50 Shades
Cable Beach Dreaming

Where on earth did such a stunningly beautiful beach get a name like Cable Beach? This was my first question when we eventually arrived in Broome on our around Australia trip. Apparently it is was named after just that – boring old cable, that was laid between Broome and Java in 1889 for telegraph lines. Since visiting this celebrated beach, known for it’s breathtaking sunsets and camel safaris, I have been doing some Cable Beach dreaming and wishing I was back here!

Cable Beach, in Broome in North Western Australia, is a 22 kilometre-long stretch of pure white sand, set against a backdrop of red ochre cliffs and fringed by the turquoise waters of the Indian Ocean. The contrasts of the vivid colours is soul-stirring and I think that this alone is what makes this beach one of the top beaches in Australia.

Broome is almost the last bastion of civilization prior to reaching the northern-most tip of Western Australia and the vast Kimberley region. It is not surprising that it is an extremely popular tourist destination and visitors and grey nomads doing the big lap of Australia, flock to this town during the cooler and drier winter months from May to August. In fact it was so popular that we needed to book far ahead to get a caravan site.

At the southern end of Cable Beach is Gantheaume Point with it’s collection of rich red rock formations that contrast against the turquoise sea and where at low tide, you can see 130-million-year-old dinosaur footprints. Also you can look for the skeletal tower of the Gantheaume Point Lighthouse, a steel structure that was built to guide ships around the point.

Gantheaume Point looking towards Cable Beach

Gantheaume Point Lighthouse

We didn’t realise that since the 1960s, naturists have gathered on a section of Cable Beach known as “north of the rocks”, to sunbake, fish and swim in the nude. We only stumbled across this section of the beach by accident and soon realised that it was clothing optional when we encountered an extremely tanned naked woman fishing in the shallows. So if you are offended by nudity I would recommend keeping south of the rocks.

4WD Tracks on Cable Beach

We noticed people kayaking and standup paddle boarding in the calm waters along the beach, but not too many swimmers. As we learnt a few days later, after we had been swimming here a few days in a row, there was a large ‘Salty’ or Saltwater Crocodile seen swimming in the waters. We soon made the decision not to swim here again!

One of the biggest drawcards to Cable Beach are the simply spectacular sunsets over the Indian Ocean. You can drive your 4WD right on to the sand for sunset drinks and aperitifs whilst watching the spectacle of the colourful light show of the sunset and the camel safaris along the beach. Otherwise you can sip a cocktail at one of the beachside bars in the string of resorts beside the beach.

Sunset Bar & Grill

There are two tour companies that conduct camel rides or safaris on Cable Beach. For around $70 you get to ride a camel with experienced camel handlers from pre-sunset to post-sunset for about an hour sauntering along the long stretch of beach. I was fortunate to experience this and would recommend it to anyone visiting Cable Beach.

All aboard!

Camel Train pre-sunset

Camel Train post-sunset

Although Cable Beach in Broome is a little remote and difficult to get to, it is one of those must see travel destinations in Australia that everyone should do at least once. I could easily escape the cold months during winter and stroll along this ravishing beach, climb aboard a camel or just sit back and chillax with a chilled wine in hand and watch the light shedding colours on the beach as the sun goes down.

Have you been to Cable Beach? Is it on your bucket list?

This post is part of the Lovin’ Life Linky with a Lovin’ Life Team of the “ageing positively” kind who are as keen as I am to promote the Lovin’ Life mindset. The Lovin’ Life Team includes:

Johanna from Lifestyle Fifty
Deb from Debbish
Min from Write of the Middle.
Leanne from Deep Fried Fruit
and of course me, Kathy from 50 Shades of Age

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By 50 Shades, March 2, 2017 Kathy was a 50 something year old when she started up this blog 6 years ago, but has since turned over another decade and is now in her early 60s. She is married with two adult children and lives on the Tweed Coast of New South Wales, Australia. Kathy enjoys living life to the fullest and loves to keep fit and active by maintaining a healthy diet and exercising regularly. Some of her interests include reading, photography, travelling, cooking and blogging! Kathy works part-time as a freelance writer but her real passion is travelling and photographing brilliant destinations both within Australia and overseas and writing about it.
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50 Shades

Kathy was a 50 something year old when she started up this blog 6 years ago, but has since turned over another decade and is now in her early 60s. She is married with two adult children and lives on the Tweed Coast of New South Wales, Australia. Kathy enjoys living life to the fullest and loves to keep fit and active by maintaining a healthy diet and exercising regularly. Some of her interests include reading, photography, travelling, cooking and blogging! Kathy works part-time as a freelance writer but her real passion is travelling and photographing brilliant destinations both within Australia and overseas and writing about it.

Ghana Gold
Coasting Around Cornwall
  • Lydia C. Lee
    March 2, 2017

    Broome was great – so stunning. We missed out on the camels due to weather – so very jealous!

    • Kathy
      March 2, 2017

      Yes Broome was one of the highlights of our trip around Australia. I was blown away by the beauty of Cable Beach and the sunsets were exquisite. Shame you missed out on a camel ride. It was such fun! :) #TeamLovinLife

  • Raychael Case
    March 2, 2017

    Hoping to finally make it to Broome this year. Hubby is up there a few times a year but only for a day or two, prepping the ship before they head to sea.

    • Kathy
      March 2, 2017

      Yes you should definitely visit Broome. It is very different to anywhere else in Australia. I enjoyed our week here enormously. :) #TeamLovinLife

  • Sue from Sizzling Towards 60 & Beyond
    March 2, 2017

    Stunningly beautiful Kathy. I have always wanted to visit Broome after read a novel about the early Pearling Industry there. Cable beach is gorgeous and I just love your images – I felt like I was there. I’ve been on a camel ride in Cairo and Dubai but one in Broome at sunset would be wonderful

    • Kathy
      March 2, 2017

      The camel ride was such a highlight. To do this on a such a stunning beach with the colours of the sunset was incredible. I could easily return to Broome and The Kimberley region to see some more. :) #TeamLovinLife

  • Min@WriteoftheMiddle
    March 2, 2017

    Oh wow Kathy! That beautiful sunset!! If I ever get to WA (and I will) I will most definitely include visiting this beach. I would like to sit as you did, right on the beach with a drink and watch the sun set. It’s so beautiful! The camel ride would be fun too! #TeamLovinLife

    • Kathy
      March 2, 2017

      I know, the sunsets at Cable Beach were jaw-droppingly beautiful. You must put Western Australia on your bucket list. It is an amazing diverse state with so much on offer. :)

  • Jo
    March 2, 2017

    Awesome photos Kathy. You’ve really captured the spirit of Broome. I also like how you describe it as the last bastion of civilisation in North West Australia – because it really is, and still it’s a long way from anywhere. #teamlovinlife

    • Kathy
      March 2, 2017

      Well I guess Derby is a little further north, but it’s not exactly that appealing in my opinion. I loved Broome and The Kimberley in general. I hope to get back there someday. :)

  • budget jan
    March 2, 2017

    Hi Kathy. We were at Cable Beach when we drove from Perth to Townsville “over the top” back in 1982 and haven’t been back since. We adored Broome and would love to return. There was a huge line up of vans to get into the caravan park in town and as we had a tent and didn’t require electricity we jumped the queue and had a fantastic camping spot right on a headland with a rocky beach alcove beneath us. We even watched an aboriginal boy dig a muddie out of a hole with a stick. I bet it has changed a lot.

    • Kathy
      March 2, 2017

      Yes Broome is a thriving place these days during the dry season. The cruise ships stop here now so that would certainly bring a lot more tourists into town. We stayed in the PCYC grounds (as we had our dog with us), which was within a short walking distance to Town Beach. We absolutely loved our week here and would have stayed longer if it were allowed. The PCYC has a one week restriction on camping here. :) #TeamLovinLife

  • Leanne | crestingthehill
    March 2, 2017

    Loved all your photos of Cable Beach (and saved a sunset one to my Pinterest sunset board!) I’ve lived in WA all my life and never gone further North than Kalbarri. Broome is still on the to-do list but it may be another few years before we get there.

    • Kathy
      March 3, 2017

      They are fabulous Leanne and bring back such wonderful memories of a truly magical holiday. We also enjoyed Kalbarri with those towering red and ochre cliffs and the Murchison River Gorge. I took another stunning sunset shot here! :) #TeamLovinLife

  • Janet Camilleri aka Middle Aged Mama
    March 2, 2017

    Definitely somewhere that’s on my bucket list!!!!

    • Kathy
      March 3, 2017

      Yes you would love it Janet. It is entirely different to anywhere else in Australia. A beautiful part of the world. :) #TeamLovinLife

  • Lyndall @ Seize The Day Project
    March 2, 2017

    Cable Beach looks stunning Kathy. I love the sunset photos (of course)! :) #TeamLovinLIfe

    • Kathy
      March 3, 2017

      Now I though sunrises were your thing Lyndall? Cable Beach sunsets are pretty hard to beat. :)

  • Leanne @ Deep Fried Fruit
    March 3, 2017

    Wow! That looks like the spot to be. Look at that sunset!
    So, you didn’t go nude?

    • Kathy
      March 3, 2017

      Ha ha, no when I saw the wrinkly, leathery skinned, older woman fishing in the shallows I thought I’d better not! Then when I was riding a camel down the beach I saw a butt naked man lying face down with his legs spread and it was not a pretty sight!!There is nothing more gorgeous that a Cable Beach sunset. :)

  • Lydia C. Lee
    March 3, 2017

    The photos of the camels at sunset. They’ve put me in the best frame of mind for this wet and crazy Friday we’re having in Sydney.

    SSG xxx

    • Kathy
      March 3, 2017

      I had that camels at sunset photo enlarged and put onto canvas which is hanging on the living room wall. It reminds me every single day of how beautiful Cable Beach is. Please send some of your rain up this way. It is so dry here. :) #TeamLovinLife

  • NOMAD/nester _ Julie Small
    March 4, 2017

    Love your silhouette pics!! Broome looks very inviting. Must say i find it very expensive to travel in Australia (especially after spending so much time in India :) – But i think some places – like this one- are worth it.

    • Kathy
      March 4, 2017

      I have so many of these Cable Beach sunset camel pics. I did the camel safari and my husband took all the photos and then the next afternoon we came back and sat on the beach watching the sunset and the camels whilst I clicked away again on my camera. Australia is very expensive compared to other countries, particularly South East Asia. However I think our trip to Broome was fully worthwhile. :)

  • NOMAD/nester _ Julie Small
    March 4, 2017

    Are you serious??? There are crocodiles swimming in these waters?? WTF??? I thought you only found them in rivers

    • Kathy
      March 4, 2017

      YES! We swam in these waters most days until we saw a sign up one morning saying there had been a sighting of a large Salty near the shoreline. We soon made up our minds not to swim here again!! Throughout our entire trip we only saw one saltwater croc in the wild in a creek near Kununurra. Apparently they do venture into the ocean at times. We saw heaps of freshwater crocs in Lake Argyle. :)

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