A vast land virtually untouched and unchanged by man, is the Kimberley region of the extreme north of Western Australia. It is described as being one of the world’s last great wilderness areas and is arguably one of the top holiday regions in Australia. The Kimberley region stretches from Broome in the west, to Kununurra…
Western Australia is a vast territory. We had already spent 70 days exploring this Australian state and were about to disappear into the wilderness and rugged beauty of the immense Kimberley, the northern-most region in Australia. After departing Broome, our travel around Australia in 185 days took us to Derby and then across the stupendous…
Unrivalled in their scale, grandeur and diversity of form anywhere in the world, are the Bungle Bungles Range’s extraordinary array of banded sandstone domes.
Australia is home to a few major cities sitting on the coast and the middle of the country is deserted, yet it still gets over 7 million visitors per year right now.
This is part two of ‘The Road Ahead’ as we ventured into probably one of the most remote wildernesses in Australia, The Kimberley in north-western Australia. It consists of ancient, steep-sided mountain ranges carved through with sandstone and limestone gorges and steep ridges from which the extreme monsoonal climate has removed much of the soil. This…