The inaugural eighth annual WINOE’s (Women In Need Of Entertainment) retreat took place this year with a weekend in the River City of Brisbane. Less than an hour up the road for we Gold Coasters, is the place we call ‘Brisvegas’, that most of us only visit to either go to a show or concert or catch an…
The definition of Comfort Zone is “a behavioural state within which a person operates in an anxiety-neutral condition, using a limited set of behaviours to deliver a steady level of performance, usually without a sense of risk”. So why are we ‘stuck in a rut’, so-to-speak, and afraid to step out of our comfort zones…
We have been on the road for 13 weeks now attempting to circumnavigate the coastline of Australia from Queensland to Western Australia in a clockwise direction in a 16 foot caravan. It has not been without its ‘teething problems’ and lots of ‘counting to ten’, as it really does test one’s patience at times! You tend to…
Since we have been on the road for four weeks now, I have observed the habits of the male of the species and their behaviour when it comes to camping. It’s comparable to watching a David Attenborough wildlife documentary really! The alpha males tend to revert back to ‘cavemen-like’ behaviour by turning into a hunter…
What adventures have you had in your lifetime? My kids often say to me “Mum why don’t you get off the sofa and do something”? My reply to this criticism is “well, I have done a lot during my lifetime and now I’m resting”! So just to prove my kids wrong I am making…
In a few short days, hubby and I are setting off on the ‘adventure of a lifetime’. We are taking off in our 4 wheel drive and 16 footer caravan to see our big wide wondrous country, Australia. Someone even suggested that we are having “an adventure before dementia”. Ha ha ha! We live at…
As you all know I love a good quote! I thought I would start off the week by putting together a selection of my favourite 25 inspirational quotes for the over 50’s. I love number 8, as I believe that there is beauty in age which is not always on the surface. I truly believe…
If you are looking for a great holiday on a budget with cheap tasty food, good shopping and beautiful beach resorts, then Vietnam is a must see!