Having two very well travelled children and also travelled a bit myself, I believe that travel not only broadens your mind, but it is good for you. I can’t imagine a life without the travel experiences that I have very fortunately undertaken. There are so many wonderful travel destinations out there to visit and explore and…
The definition of Comfort Zone is “a behavioural state within which a person operates in an anxiety-neutral condition, using a limited set of behaviours to deliver a steady level of performance, usually without a sense of risk”. So why are we ‘stuck in a rut’, so-to-speak, and afraid to step out of our comfort zones…
What adventures have you had in your lifetime? My kids often say to me “Mum why don’t you get off the sofa and do something”? My reply to this criticism is “well, I have done a lot during my lifetime and now I’m resting”! So just to prove my kids wrong I am making…